Gemma Sanda The Complex Health Coach

To take care of ourselves, we need to prioritize self-care and make it a regular habit. By doing so, we can improve our quality of life.

Listen to The Podcast

Through my weekly Podcasts & YouTube videos and my curated (and expanding) suite of wellness products and programs, I explain exactly what health and wellness coaching is and what it can do for you 

Join Me In Person

Glolife Events are a series of carefully curated workshops, retreats, and select events that I organize throughout the year for Men and Women.

Are you ready to take control of your whole life!

Typical ENFP personality

I am a solo mum turned entrepreneur and I help people with their journey to whole health

"I am dedicated to helping people lead a vibrant life, regardless of their starting point. During my twenties and thirties, I experienced economic and financial abuse, which limited my opportunities. Although my health was a priority, the conventional healthcare system was unable to provide me with the support I needed to fully recover and grow. As a result, I explored alternative modalities and gained valuable knowledge that I now use to help others.

Through my organization, Glolife, I curate various events, workshops, and retreats throughout the year, many of which are connected to my favorite charities, SEA and TDAS."

21 Day Self Care Workbook

If you are raring to go and just want somewhere to start you can download my workbook here, with a comprehensive step-by-step guide. 

Learn more here about my Signiture Progrm

90-day Vibrant Life Project


Learn more about what Health Coaching is

If you are unsure about what health and wellness coaching is, you can find out what it is and what it can do for you on my podcast

If you are ready to take that step away from emotional and physical pain and have the vibrant healthy life you deserve find out more here

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